Update to our challenge...we're on Day 4 and are doing fine. I am really not missing the food and now that I understand why we were going out so much, I am able to redirect myself when I feel the urge. So far, so good.
Having said all this, I have a question for you all. Today when I went to Target with the kids, we shared a popcorn/soda combo while we walked around. Superman says we broke the challenge by doing that, but I disagree (obviously, or I wouldn't have bought it). I'll admit to bribing the kids by buying the popcorn, because I wanted more time to browse the clearance aisles , but our goal was not to go out for food when we left the house. After we went to Target, we went to Home Depot. Would Superman have been happier with us if I had bought them each a can of Pringles at Home Depot?
I maintain that we didn't break the challenge. What do you think?
I do not think you broke the spirit of your agreement at all. Would it be fast food if you bought a bag of smart food and 2 bottles of diet coke? Plus I hardly think one can consider popcorn food. This wasn't a meal substitute, it was a snack. Which you were allowed to eat in the store.
I tend to agree with Clark. If he takes the boys to a baseball game, what are your opinions on them getting hotdogs and cokes at the stadium.
You have to, as a family, define fast food, but you have determined it to be food used as entertainment, and the popcorn and coke would fit that bill. That is why I think this challenge is going to be so difficult. When we run errands all day, we have to eat, and unless you are ready to ride around with a full cooler, occasionally food bought away from home is going to have to be consumed.
Dear Jessica-
I do not think that you failed! Let's make sure we define what we mean.
I agree, you didn't fail. You may have stumbled, but it was on a rock that wasn't clear in the path. You are making the effort and that means you can't fail. But you need, together, to define the rules, the boundaries, the pitfalls. The rules definitely mean Buttercup gets to have her birthday celebration, I am for you and Clark having one meal together alone a week even it if is Egg McMuffin, and I think the occasional chicken McNugget meal while at the museum isn't failure as LONG AS you decide to incorporate that into the plan.
There are lots of groups that decide to not spend for a month, but they exclude, food, utilities, medical, I've even seen underwear, though I think you could wait 30 days on that one. SO you may need to redefine the challenge a little.
But under the original letter of the challenge, I still agree with Clark. No popcorn. But I don't see breaking the challenge on one single trip the same as being a failure.
ANd the good news, is Clark doesn't think so either.
Need to confess that this week we've eaten at Pizza Hut, McDonalds (more times than you'd want to know), Taco Bell, and Arby's and will several more out of the house this weekend. We've been traveling on day trips, and it's just easier, so I am not the one to throw the first stone. LOL We hit three fast food places in one meal.
It has been interesting to hear all the different points of view. I think the truth is that I wasn't clear as I laid out my goals for the challenge. I never intended to stay home and eat only from my refrigerator, I was trying to stop heading to McDonald's or Jack as often. 25 more days to go!
I think that if you meant fast food restaurants, then you are o.k. But if you meant fast food in general, then popcorn would count. However, popcorn is healthy if it's not heavily buttered!
If I were using MY definition of fast food, popcorn and a soda is not included. I think it is great o have a fast food fast! I thought my kids would be asking for McDonalds all the time since we are living next to one but I was super tired today and asked them if we could just go get chicken nuggets and they said no. Smart little things.
Moms and Andrea, I'm with you...that was how I was defining it. Now I know...some people at Superman's work were including real restaurants, too. I didn't say "No eating out at all challenge"...I thought I was clear.
P.S. It wasn't buttered!
I love conversations such as these. Marriage is fun.
See I read it as no eating out. So Applebees is okay, Taco Bell no? Our family would have loved that challenge. We'd be in debt by the end of the month!
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