Did you think I was the only one? Valiant finally demonstrated it is not just me and not just the girls in the family who need to rearrange furniture when highly stressed. Despite having his wisdom teeth pulled earlier this week, by Wednesday his stress level with all that has been happening around here had reached critical mass, so he did what I would have done: He decided his bedroom was no longer working for him and MUST be changed IMMEDIATELY. The original layout of his bedroom was constrained by his need for "floor space for Lego building". He no longer feels the need to make accommodations for Legos, giving himself more flexibility in furniture arrangement. I think he did great...what do you think?


The same view. The desk is gone (it was just a junk catcher) and has been replaced by a Klippan loveseat from Ikea that was elsewhere in the house.

And this is the view from the bed. Everyone in the Nagle family loves to read, so a comfortable place to relax is a must. As you can see, Sam I Am has wasted no time christening this new furniture arrangement...basking in the rare sunlight and on a couch at the same time? Sublime.
Ah, this little nut didn't fall far from the tree...and he wasn't the only one who did some furniture rearranging after Superman left...stay tuned.
Looks like he made himself a nice little man cave there. Smart move. Tell him not to get rid of those Legos though. They can be very stress relieving on rainy cold days.
Looks great!! Hope he is doing well from having his wisdom teeth taken out.
Blessings, andrea
It is fun to rearrange our dwellings... he did a great job! Hope his wisdom teeth ordeal went well - my daughter had her done on Thursday - things went well after she didn't use the prescribed pain medicine... Happy Weekend.
good for him! Im the same way
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