Thursday, January 21, 2010

Shoot Me - 3 of 52

Oops! I almost forgot! Today is week three of my participation in Shoot Me, a year long challenge to get myself into the pictures hosted by Carin at Forever in Blue Jeans. Fortunately, LoveAphid did NOT drop the ball and I saw her timely blog post - phew!

Buttercup took this picture to show you my new haircut. I finally went and had almost six inches cut off last week. Also, I'm trying the whole "side swept instead of straight across" bangs. We'll see how that goes...they're bugging me.

To see how everyone else got into their own stories, head over to Carin's place.


alexandra s.m. said...

Hello Erin, great portrait!
Thank you for your sweet comment on my hands ;-)

Cheers ~

Anonymous said...

I'm digging the side swipe bangs thing, but I do know they can be really annoying because you always feel like there is something in your face. That's why I ended up growing mine out into long layers. I can pull it all back if I can't stand to have it in my face.

All that said... I love this pic. You look super happy! Great color on you too.

Carin said...

LOL about loveaphid, I was just over there. Too funny you are checking up on here =) Your hair looks great. I need to get a bit cut off too. I like the side swipe on you, looks great.

Bonnie @ The Boatwright Family said...

Erin, your hair looks great! I love the side swept bangs on you. I hope you and the family are doing well. Thinking about you :)

Anonymous said...

I really like the new haircut! My sister is a hair dresser so she's always wanting me to try new things. I'll do it for a week or so then I go back to what I usually do. I just enjoy messing with my hair before work. lol

Anonymous said...

Good thing we have friends to remind us when we've challenged ourselves. :) Good picture!

Anonymous said...

Looks good. I wish I could wear mine long like that, but it bugs me and I end up cutting it. Shoulder length is long enough for me. But you look great. Very brave.

Clark said...

This is a great photo Erin! My Buttercup is one heck of a photographer. The hair cut is very flattering. This is going to be my desktop photo.

jen@odbt said...

I think your new do looks fantastic. The nice thing about side swept bangs is you can always tuck them behind your ear.

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

I think that your hair looks great!!!

More Than Words said...

Oh my look so good!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Your hair looks great.