Thursday, January 7, 2010

Shoot Me: 1 of 52

Since Superman will be gone for almost a year, I thought he'd like it if I actually appear in some of the pictures I will be taking for him. To encourage me to do just that, I'm going to be participating in "Shoot Me", hosted by Carin at Forever in Blue Jeans.

Look, I'm notorious for not wanting to be in the picture, but I really think it is time for me to get past that. "Shoot Me" is how I'm going to do it. So, I hope you won't mind, but you'll be seeing a bit more of me for the next year. (After all, I don't want Superman to forget what I look like!)

Here is the first one...

This is a picture of me with Buttercup in the backseat of my car as we drove my sister and her husband back to the airport to continue with their holiday excursion on December 28, 2009. I was tired, in sweats, and only wearing concealer. (Yeah, I decided to share the nitty gritty of my life with you all--no glamorous photo shoots here.)

There you have it...a picture of the end of the year, there will be 52 of them. Superman will have proof he has a wife and my children will look back and remember times with me, too.


Melissa Henning said...

wow! hot mama!

Melissa Henning said...

and I totally feel like I missed something... I was looking in your back posts and don't see where you mentioned it. Where is he going?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comment! Can't wait to get to know you all as well! And you look great with just concealer! Beautiful photo...

Bonnie @ The Boatwright Family said...

Best line of your post "and I was just wearing concealer". Only women would even think to qualify a gorgeous pictures of themselves!

Thank you for stopping by! I'm glad to see your blog - I'm going to follow! I watch the Biggest Loser too. Allen from the Green Team last season is from the town where we live. We're all so inspired by him! And my dad was overseas for 8 years total in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan working as a civilian contractor. I know you'll miss your husband and I wish you the very best.

Anonymous said...

If I looked younger than my daughters, I'd post a picture a day, girlfriend. If we didnt' already know which one was Buttercup, we'd have to ask. You look great. Hope I look that young a year from now.

Marcelle said...

Look how fantastic u look why have u been hiding????
Love this challenge..going to be such fun for me the reader..xx

The imPerfect Housewife said...

Soooo cute!! You'll be so happy you did this. Listen to me, I'm not doing it (yet) but I really should. Where on earth is your husband going, is he in the service?? ♥

Chubskulit Rose said...

Contagious smiles, lovely!

Sharing our New Year's celebration

Marice said...

two lovely ladies! welcome to the challenge :)

u may view mine here

jen@odbt said...

I think it's a great shot! This is my favorite post to participate in - you're going to enjoy having all these pics of you in it.

Mamí♥Picture said...

What a Lovely♥Picture!
I am so glad Ü r doing this!!
Welcome to the FUN my Friend!!

Robyn said...

What a great picture. You and your daughter look a lot alike.

Carol said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. It always blesses me when people do, but then again, bloggers in general like that.

No fair that you look that pretty with just concealer on. And like a couple of others asked, where is your hubby going for a year? That must be difficult.

Blessings to you all,

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the challenge! You and your daughter have beautiful eyes!

Anonymous said...

I thought you were gorgeus - (oh dear, spelling?)Can't wait to have you for lunch on museum day again! Kris Grooms

Carin said...

You are both so beautiful and I love how each of your hair has that whispy look, very pretty. So glad you've joined the challenge and I know the family and Superman will be happy too.

onlymehere said...

You're beautiful. I don't know why you wouldn't want pictures done. It's not like you look like.....well, me! Thanks for sharing this new link for your blog with me! Cindy

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

It is so nice to meet you. I am taking part in Carin's photo challenge also. I am always looking for new recipes because I love to bake and I cook quite a bit. I am becoming one of your followers. You are a very brave mommy to survive a year without your husband.

Darcie said...

I am SO glad you are joining this meme. Not only will your husband thank you, but you will look back and be so glad.

What a great picture to start out with...beautiful!

Andrea @ The Train to Crazy said...

DANG! I want your genes!! Hot mama :)

More Than Words said...

Oh my gosh, I love seeing a picture of you!!! You look so good and so young! Not that I thought you looked older, but you know what I mean!!

And....where is Superman going????

Veronica Lee said...

You look fantastic!! I want your genes too !!!

Phebie said...

You're so pretty...thanks for the compliment and I can't wait also to see your new haircut this sure ur superman will love it!

God Bless!