Sorry I'm so late today, but this is definitely going to be a hectic week! It is Making Your Home Sing Monday and this week is no different than any other: How Mom handles things determines the mood of the household. I'm doing my best to "go with the flow".
I won't lie to you, I'm feeling the pressure. I'm stressed about so many different things. First the mundane:
Packing: Will Superman's packing do well? Have we forgotten anything he'll need before we can ship it to him? Fortunately, we'll have APO privileges, so we can ship things to him easily, but still, how do you plan for a year?
The house: Have I thought about asking about all the things that he normally takes care of around the house? This part of the country has four seasons and means doing far more things to the house throughout the year than I ever did in So Cal. Blowing out the sprinklers? You're kidding me, right? Will the sprinklers work when we turn the water back on in April (oh please, oh please!)?
The cars: Does my car need any attention? What about his car?
Then the emotional:
How will we do this? What will it be like to be without my husband of 20 years for a year? What will it be like for the kids to only see their father via Skype? What about Charmings college graduation? Superman will miss it.
Honestly, we won't know anything until we are actually living it. In the meantime, we're just moving right along. What do they say? "Worrying about tomorrow robs today of its joy", so we're just not worrying.
I took Valiant to the oral surgeon for his pre-surgery consult...he's getting four wisdom teeth out next Monday and we have an appointment later in the week for an orthodontist consultation. He's got a Scout camping trip scheduled for the weekend of the 22 (doesn't snow camping sound fun to you?) and Stage Combat starts for both kids on the 30th. I even got my hair cut for the first time in 16 months this morning.
As I've been imagining life with Superman on the other side of the world, it has occurred to me that life goes on and things just need to get done. Dwelling on things won't help us accomplish those things. So, to make my house sing this week, I'm just putting one foot in front of the other and not looking too far ahead.
So here is where we are: Superman leaves on Friday...his flight leaves at 9:30 a.m., so we'll be saying "good-bye" at 8:30 when he crosses into the "ticketed passengers only" section of the airport. I really wish the kids and I could sit with him at the gate the way we used to do these days. Before he leaves, we're getting the kids passports, so we can go visit him if the opportunity arises.
So there you have it, Making Your Home Sing Monday at the Nagle5 household is a bit off-key this week, but we're moving right along. To see what everyone else is up to this second full week of 2010, head over to Momstheword and check in with them.
Ugh! That's a long time to be without hubby! It certainly forces you to enjoy each and every day and to not take them for granted.
Blessings to you.
WOW. Praying with you. Hang in there.
Blessings, andrea
!!! How did I not notice that you got your hair cut!!! I'm so sorry!
One of my high school friend's husband left today and he'll be gone for a year too. My friend's hubby was gone for a year too, but he's back.
You will get through it one day, one moment at a time. Such a sacrifice you're all making, my friend.
Oh, I love the picture below, your hair looks so cute and thanks for linking up!
Charming, it is okay...your dad didn't notice, either...Momstheword, thanks so much...I know we're not the only ones doing this, it is just so new.
This is my first visit here from Making Your Home Sing. Your family will surely be in our prayers. What a wonderful and realistic attitude that you have. Your family will be blessed by your strength and faith. May you continue to put one foot in front of the other and move forward through this difficult time.
I'd say you are doing pretty well considering the life-changing event you are about to experience. I'll be keeping your family in my prayers. I'm looking forward to reading about your journey in the next year.
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