Monday again. It is already the third Monday in January! Can you believe it? It is already time for Making Your Home Sing Monday and I must admit that I am feeling like I am reinventing the wheel these days. Seriously.

As you know, Superman has begun employment as a civilian contractor overseas and shipped out Friday. Oh, he's still in the US until Friday morning, but for the family's purposes, he's begun "Clark's Overseas Adventure". What does that mean for us? It means that we've gone from seven people at the holidays down to three people for the rest of the year. It means that we are no longer scheduling our days to be finished "before Daddy gets home from work". It means our weekends aren't dedicated for "family time". Instead, as homeschoolers the kids and I are looking at an entire year where our schedule will not be determined by outside influences and instead be entirely up to us. Think about it? Have you ever experienced such a thing? I haven't and I'm already finding it, well, weird.
Since we all thrive on routine, my task will be to come up with and maintain a schedule and routine for our "little" family. So many of our routines, however, were necessitated by Superman's work schedule. Without his work schedule to determine the order of things, we'll be figuring out what works for us. A neighbor needs me to watch her son before school, so I'll be starting my day before he arrives at 8:15 a.m. Since the children still want to be done with school when their friends might be available to play, our school day will be done by 4:00 p.m. Laundry, cleaning, and dishes, etc. will still be done daily, but won't take as long.
So, how will our days flow? I will confess that I don't know how it will all end up, but I do know that the kids are counting on me to demonstrate leadership and confidence so even if I feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants, I will do it deliberately one day at a time.
One way or another, we'll be singing a happy song, even if I don't know the words yet. What will be doing to make your home sing this week? Head over to the Momstheword to see what everyone else is doing to keep their homes in harmony.
Life always seems to be about adapting to something new, doesn't it? I know you will find your routine real fast. Kids help us do that pretty quick! Take care.
Trust that your transition will be a smooth one. I think you're smart to get a routine in place to keep things running well.
You are wise to have some benchmarks in your day, such as starting your day before 8:15 and having school over by 4:00. Otherwise, it may drag on all day without a schedule.
My hubby used to have a job where he flew out on Monday and flew back in on Thursday. When he was gone at first I didn't have much of a schedule but learned I at least needed to keep an established bedtime for the little ones!
Thanks for linking up!
Wow! Is your hubby really going to be gone for an entire year? That sounds tough. I remember from those who were in military deployment that they had to keep definite routines to keep their sanity. Praying for you.
I want to say I am sorry but I know you all have made this decision and know it´s God´s will for you all so I won´t. I will be praying for you all during this time.
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