Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can you tell my sister thinks my life is thrilling?

This is one of the birthday cards my sister sent me.

Obviously, she's dialed in to the high points of my daily life...


More Than Words said...

LOL..that couldn't be any truer or so many of us! LOL

Muthering Heights said...

LOLOLOLOL, that card is AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that is so ME! Loveaphid, you have to adopt me. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey I was laughing WITH you not AT you... you know that getting laundry done IS bog worthy for me.

JLaine said...

LOL!! This card is hilarious yet so true for all the bloggers like us :)

Lalaine's World
From Asia and Beyond
Day to Day Miracles
Trying to be Fit
Not a Shopaholic

Jessica said...

Adorable card~ Happy Birthday!

Hugs~ J

Clark said...

I know there is a lot more excitement happening when I am not around! What gives? I need photos.

Old Time Cindy said...

This is funny! Only a sister...
Living it up at Lakewood,