Can you believe it is Friday already? Well, it is! That means it is time for me to dazzle you with yet another photo from the stone age (or the predigital age, if you prefer to think about it that way!). It is Friday Photo Flashback time...I'm again joining Alicia at More Than Words to walk down memory lane with you all.
This picture is from May 1991. Charming was not even 3 months old and a friend had asked me to be in her wedding (trust me, I tried to get out of it...she wouldn't budge). I remember being so overwhelmed by being in this wedding. She lived an hour away, I was already back at work full time and I was trying to learn how to be a wife and mother. It was a challenging time. Throw in a bridesmaid dress and you have stress overload. Anyway, she was getting married in this beautiful glass church at the beach and Superman and Charming were with me for the rehearsal. Superman had Charming on his shoulders waving to me! Isn't that so cute?
Notice the huge sweater I'm wearing to hide my stomach. Oh, yeah, I was so not ready for my close-up (I don't know how starlets to it, seriously!). Look how young Superman was (and cute!).

Oh, I'm glad I stumbled across this picture. It made me smile when I looked at it.
Oh my gosh....how cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL, I've never seen a three month old in that position before..hahaha!!!
Yes..Superman looks totally young, and you look like you are rescuing your baby!!!!
Very cute!!!!!!!!
Such a cute photo and Superman look so proud to be a daddy!
Collette xx
great memories come with this picture! :D
what a great story to go along with a cute photo! You guys are all so young there!
I thought that was Charming with the baby! Wow, he really looks like Superman there. Wow I remember those sweaters. I miss those. They were so comfy.
look how little! my goodness! I don´t think mine were ever that little. LOL
What a great picture!! I posted for the first time for Flashback Friday and my post was from 1991 also - maybe our then babies would be good buds now!! Have a good weekend ~
Look how strong Charming is, holding himself up like that. I am sure that you looked beautiful even post baby. Love the dark hair.
I remember that year....and those big sweaters were very popular. Being in a wedding after just having a baby, oh my!
What a sweet picture!!!
Totally love your read sweater!
it is a beautiful flashback☺
It does look like Superman, doesn't it?
What a wonderful memory and picture! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your compliment on my graduation gown! I think it's beautiful, too :).
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