...I thought I'd tell you anyway. It has been more than a month since we turned off our satellite television and we don't get broadcast television at our house, so it has been more than a month since we've had television and...we don't miss it at all.
We do have movies on our shelves and Buttercup has been reacquainting herself with all the Disney Classics. She's also been exploring her creative side much more. Valiant hasn't seemed to miss it either, as he is more likely to be outside with his sister or busy with Superman and less likely to be sitting around doing nothing. I've needed to be careful that he hasn't simply replaced time in front of the television with time on the computer, but so far, it just hasn't been a problem.
I guess I was right..we really were spending $60 - $70 a month on something we just didn't value. It was just a habit.
Also, it has been a month and a half since I switched from a traditional cell phone to a TracFone and, honestly, it has been amazing. I haven't used up my minutes from my original purchase and the phone works well and has terrific coverage. Using as few minutes as I do, I'm actually thinking of revising my cost estimate down(!) and think my cell phone will actually end up costing us about $8/mo for the first year, including the cost of the phone.
Another $22 a month we just didn't need to spend.
Finally, a little note. My cell service and our DirecTV were all part of a 'bundled' package from Qwest. When I cancelled the cell service, I lost a little of the bundle difference, then when I cancelled our DirecTV is lost more. I anticipated that...what I didn't anticipate was that Qwest would use that opportunity to try to increase the price that we pay for our DSL service from $14.99 to $32 and change! When I called Qwest, I explained that we had "price for life" plan and that my DSL should not have gone up at all. Then I told the girl that this was going to be the nail in the coffin for Qwest, as Superman really wants to switch us to Comcast for faster internet and Vonage for phone service (still no television) and that we were gone if they were charging us $32 for DSL. Well, threatening with Comcast was all it took...to correct their error, the girl said they'd give us six months of FREE DSL and then six months of DSL at $14.99, after which the DSL would cost $19.99 (which is the $14.99 without the $5 bundle discount that we were getting with all the services) for as along as we had our DSL service. I'm happy because my Qwest bill is going to be super low for six months, Superman is happy because that gives him time to find an awesome deal with Comcast, and Qwest is happy because we didn't leave. A win-win for everyone.
Another $14.99 a month we won't be spending for six months!
Add it up, it we're saving roughly $100 a month just by thinking about how we are doing things. No one feels deprived, no one feels as if we're doing without something we want. You've just got to love that!
I love to save money like that! It is crazy about all the fees that we have to pay on regular cellphone companies. We found a new local cellphone company that offers a plan for $14.00 unlimited minutes...I only pay 16.32 per month it is great! Trackfone are awesome Mr. Big did not like the idea of getting one but now he is fine with it...lol We also save lots of money buying the walmart brand diapers. SAVE SAVE SAVE its all GOOD....
Have a blessing weekend!!!
That's so awesome, Erin!!!
We have not had cable for YEARS now. Honestly, I can't even remember how long ago, that's long it's been!! My kids do not miss it at all! We just have bunny ears and on occasion, we might watch a show in the evening, but my kids will watch PBS in the mornings.
I love finding deals like you did, plus having companies work w/ you and not against you!!
LOL I didn't own a television from the time I was 20 to 30, and I bought my son one when he asked for one, because he does like television and enjoys watching cartoons at night with me while I sew. Of course, it's a little 13 inch one, and I got it at a pawn shop for 10 bucks, but he's happy with it. Mostly I use the computer for a television, and watch everything online I want to watch...which winds up being a few hours a week of new programming, and noise the rest of the time if I don't turn on a radio.
I do get him cable in the summertime, when he's home all day long and will sit and watch cartoon network or History Channel with me (Shark attack on the beach in 1916 in NJ made the channel cool) so the cost for the 3 months is worth it and the TV comes out of his room them. Other then that, he has the TV in his room and he got a DVD for his b-day from his god-father and so he can watch pokemon and transformers there for an hour or so.
For me, it wasn't a cost thing, it's more I don't watch it thing, tho. And I work on telephones all day, and have worked in the telemarketing/telecommunications industry for the last 6 years, there is no way in Hades I am getting a cell phone. I'd as soon not have a house phone and never have to talk to anyone when I'm not working at all. Luckily I live in a small area where if I do need a phone, people will let you use theirs, if no one has stopped yet.
They sound like really good lifestyle changes! I guess some people are surprised by how much they don't miss TV! Interesting. :)
WOW...praising GOD with you.
Vonage? So did you decide against Magic Jack? We are going to have to change something around here - $67 for DirecTV, $146 for cell phones (Verizon), and $60 for internet PER MONTH! I've always wished I could have been born in the 1800's - pre-technology!
That's great! I would love to save that much too!
you go girl!
$100 extra bucks a month in my pocket would be pretty awesome!!!
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Hooray for you. I think the best part of this is having total control over what you watch, so that you are really only watching what you want to watch when you want to watch it, rather than sitting in front of the TV vegging out. But we had that discussion. Hooray for the savings, we are feeling the same way around here. Every bit helps.
I'm so excited...thanks for stopping by and cheering me on.
great job on saving! We cut our cable tv three years ago! What a blessing that was. We hardly have any channels now so the thing is hardly ever on. Much better for the kidos and for us. We do like family movies though. :)
WE all have to find ways to cut back don´t we?
That is awesome! It never hurts to ask!!
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