Friday, May 15, 2009

The toothpick that felled Valiant...

Oh, come on, you didn't think I'd let you get away without seeing the toothpick that was stuck in Valiant's foot, did you? Pretty bad, isn't it? This little sucker required him to get a tetanus shot and to be on antibiotics for a was all the way in--nothing sticking out. (You don't want to know how they had to get it out.) Makes you want to wince, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

Oh the poor kid. How is he? I hope he is ok.
poor poor Valiant. Nothing like an exciting day at Urgent Care. That toothpick looks gruesome!
Shudder Shudder... Please tell him I hope his poor foot feels better.

momstheword said...

I know have a stomach ache, thank you very much, lol! Did I tell you about the time I severed an artery???hahaha!

More Than Words said...

Oh my gosh...that does make my stomach hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

well that is much better than the 100yr old nail that went in my 3 yr olds foot last saturday and put her in the hospital for 3 days this week with celluitis.. thank goodness they are both ok and healing.. so i feel your pain..

Tricia said...

Well, it looks like it's story-sharing time, so in the "I-can-relate" vein: While making a spike shot during a (barefoot)volleyball game, I came down hard on a very large needle, driving it all the way into my foot. So I do know what they have to do in ER to get it out - OUCH! And Erin, remember the 18-month ordeal my husband had, getting perilously close to amputation, when he stepped on that honkin' rusty nail? (I just came perilously close to playing the "I-can-top-that game.) But seriously, just wanted Valiant to know that we can relate...hope he's "back on his feet" real soon :)

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

YIKES! That is a scary thought to have that in his foot!

Andrea said...

Bless his heart...and his foot. Poor little guy. Sending prayers for healing, comfort, and a beautiful weekend..andrea

Nina said...

Wow that sounds so painful. A tooth pick.... ouch

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Boys have to have stitches, it's a right of passage. It's how we moms get grey hairs.

Tell him, I fell on the metal stopper to the bathtub once. I can appreciate it. That was worse than childbirth. I am so serious. And because of the bacteria, they wouldn't sew me up. It was so painful. I was the coolest mom in the elementary set for months. LOL

Darla said...

Ew, ew, ew, ew. Just ew.

momstheword said...

BTW, I never answered your questions. No I don't have any pictures, lol! Did not have a camera with me and besides, I was bleeding to death!!!! You are so funny!

Hey, thanks for visiting our new Five Moms blog today. I am excited to get it going on Monday!

Erin said...

Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories...isn't it funny how we forget them until it comes time to pull them out for comparison's sake?