Alicia at More Than Words is hosting Friday Photo Flashback again. This is her effort to help us remember all the pictures we have from the pre-digital age and to revisit those memories and share them with the world!
This is a picture of me in a Halloween costume as a princess--I was five-ish. (I know this for a fact because I fought like the dickens to grow my hair out of the detested "pixie" by first grade.) I remember my mom made this costume out of a green velvet flower girl dress that I'd outgrown. I had a "boy" haircut, so the yarn braids gave me "princess hair", a very important part of any princess costume.

If you want to see what everyone else chose to share this week, head over to Alicia's to check out the links.
16 comments: look adorable!!!
I can totally relate to the boy haircut. I'll never forget when I got the Dorothy Hamil haircut!!!! I hated it!!! :)
Oh, how cute! Great costume!
You were pretty cute! I would have loved those long braids when I was a little girl. I always had short hair and I loved to pretend I have long flowing locks, Ha!!
Thanks so much for hopping over to my blog and leaving a comment. I hope you come back soon, and stay awhile. We'll sip iced tea and chat! LOL!! Love your blog design.
have a great weekend.
Very cute indeed! (And your comment about my picture made me laugh! That would be pretty bad if I had reacted that way towards my husband. Ha. Thanks for the compliment.)
That really is a cute costume!! Thanks for visiting me!
I completely agree with you...adorable costume! I love how the details just slowly come back to you as you are looking at older pictures. I am sure my sister would remember a few more details as she was the horse lover. Look forward too seeing next Fridays picture. Thanks for leaving a comment.
Oh how sweet! I wish I had more pictures to match my memories. I am sure my mom has more of the pictures of my childhood.
I remember one year (in high school) dressing up as a hobo.. not too girly to say the least. jeje
I think I had one of those boy cuts too and missing teeth at about that age. jeje
You are adorable in this picture!
You totally need to do "We are THAT family" 's Sincerely Fro me to You Thursdays. That would fit right in.
Very sweet! I had the same pixie cut in first grade...must have been the thing!! Great photo to share:)
Just stopping over from Alicia's blog. What a cute photo! cute!
I came across your blog via Mr. Linky from Alcia's blog. Have a good weekend!!!
LOL, I love the braids...too cute!
That hat is really great. Very cute. I always loved dressing up when I was a kid.
So cute! I love home-made Halloween costumes...not nearly enough of them nowadays.
this is such a cute picture! I always wanted to be a princess for halloween, but it never happened.
I always had short hair growing up too. I looked like a boy and ate Life cereal all the time. My nickname was mikey lol.
I hated my boy hair...hated that people thought I was a boy...especially when they heard my name, they thought Aaron. Maybe that is why I think I look like a boy...
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