What is not to love about a man who is this prepared to clean? Just look at how well-trained he is!
This is how Valiant suited up to tackle cleaning his bathroom. Man, I love this kid!
Someday (in the far distant future) he's going to make an awesome husband...I hope his future wife appreciates him! (Completely random, I know!)
I have always told my husband nothing is sexier than a man with a mop. The girls see this picture and they are going to be knocking down your door!
I tell my husband, don't bring me flowers or candy, mop the kitchen floor. Nothing makes me a happier woman than clean hardwoods that I didn't have to clean.
That is awesome! You raised him well.
Gave you an award. You can see the details at http://generationsgoneby.wordpress.com/
Generations, I'll definitely get Valiant up here to see I'm not the only one! Ari, thanks so much...just headed to your blog and subscribed. I also added Calzones to my list of things to make (yum)...definitely looking forward to those!
P.S. Gens, thanks for the award...that was really sweet of you!
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