We had a Saturday full of stuff and no real work, so it felt lazy and laid-back. Unfortunately, that meant Superman could play on my computer and a little fix went horribly wrong. I was off-line for 24 hours. It was horrible! As you can tell, however, I am back...

Despite the technical difficulties, the mood yesterday was definitely mellow. As you can see, "Sam I Am" got with the program immediately. When he could step away from the keyboard, Superman found time to play Pat-a-Cake with Buttercup. (She says he's not as good as I am, but she's happy he's trying to get better. She does wish, however, that he'd learn not to slap her hand quite so enthusiastically!)

I even managed to get out to Jo-Ann's to pick up some Modge Podge (with a 50% off coupon!) and am starting a new project.
Valiant found a crime scene in our front yard and spent quite a bit of time investigating the scene and the surrounding area.

Saturdays are game night and last night was no exception. I decided to make some of my admittedly popular tortilla chips and try a new cookie recipe. The tortilla chips were awesome and the cookies received mixed reviews. The kids loved, loved, loved them, but the grown-ups didn't think there was anything spectacular about them. Oh, well, not every experiment can turn out well. Since the cookies were only okay, I won't even post the recipe...I just don't think they're worth your time and effort, but if you want the recipe, just let me know...it uses Toffee Bits and a lot of brown sugar...they seemed to have unrealized potential. (Even Charming didn't eat them!)

The tortilla chips, however, are something I encourage everyone to to try. They can't be more simple: You simply cut corn tortillas into six triangles (or you can use metal cookie cutters to make them into seasonal shapes...last night, I stuck with traditional) and fry them up in small batches. Then you drain them (I use paper towels on top of brown paper grocery bags), salt them, and serve them. They are soooo good.

We had them with guacamole and salsa and they definitely made up for the so-so cookies.
Baba, my not so male cat was in a similar position to Sam I am pretty much all day yesterday. There must have been something in the air, stretching across the country. I'm glad you have joined the cyberworld agin. I miss you when your gone. Fig is worried that I might be becoming too dependent on my computer, I don't have the faintest idea what he is on about, just because I twitch when he's upgrading something.
Oh and the snowman crime scene slays me... (pun intended for sure)
Superman surprised the kids with the outline of the "body"...that is where Mr. Snowman was until the melt finally won...they cracked up!
Glad you're back! The cookies with mixed reviews look yummy and so do the chips! The snowman crime scene is really funny!
I'm glad your back. Those chips look yummy!
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