Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Awesome Surprises via the USPS

My terrific sister, LoveAphid, sent us all an early Halloween gift package. (She said she sent it early so we'd be able to enjoy it the entire Halloween season. Truly, I think she sent it early so I'd have to start decorating earlier than normal. It worked!) Two of the things she sent (for me - yay!) were these cool cat ornaments. My problem was what to do with them. I'd seen those cool spooky trees, but I've never bought one. Solution? "Hey, Superman, can we (that would mean you) get a tree branch and paint it black and then cut out a base for it so I can hang these awesome Halloween ornaments my little sister sent me?" As always, Superman was up for the challenge. So, what do you think?

I think it turned out so well, I'm already begging for a silvery tree branch for some small white and silver Christmas ornaments. Wouldn't that be terrific?... "Hey, Superman! Where are you going? Wait, come back...I need a favor..."

P.S. Thanks again, LA, I do so heart them!


Anonymous said...

Not bad, I thought it was store bought. He ought to sell those at craft sells. #3's birthday is at the end of September, so she won't let me decorate until after her party. Should have had that kid in August.

Clark said...

This really did turn out well if I don't say so myself!

More Than Words said...

How creative to think of using what you already had to make a tree for them! What cool gifts to receive!

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

As usual fantastic creation!!! V creative!
Love Collette xxx

Erin said...

I just love it! Thanks for seeing what I see.

Anonymous said...

I'm such a dork that I haven't been really reading blogs for the past few days. You are so welcome older sister, I am so glad you love them, I thought they were super cute.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I think Superman's tree looks better than a lot of the trees I've seen for sale. Love it!