To put it bluntly, it is a back-to-work Monday for all of us here at the Nagle5 house. To that end, this week, our household will be cheerfully singing the song "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go!" as we go about putting everything back in order. We had a terrific time with our guests, we hosted Game Night on Saturday (to maintain our regular schedule) and we gave ourselves some downtime, but the tasks await.
All three bathrooms need to be properly cleaned (seriously!).
The kitchen, laundry room, and family room floors need to be swept and mopped.
The entire house must be dusted.
Buttercup's sheets need to be changed (I got ours and Valiant's done on Saturday).
I need to get the kids back on track with schooling...we didn't do a very good job last week, despite our good intentions.
Finally, if all goes well, I'd like to get the carpets cleaned (we have one of those Bissell upright carpet cleaners), but the weather doesn't seem to be cooperating, so we'll see. Also, the family room windows have an entire winter of dog slobber on them. Again, if the weather holds, I'll be out under the deck with vinegar and water and a lot of rags.

So, if you see a family of very tall dwarfs singing Hi-Ho in Eastern Washington, you'll know who it is!
To see what everyone else is doing for MYHSM, head on over to MomstheWord and check them out.
Erin, I loved your comment about not having to pretend. That is so true and proves why we can truly "relax" at home!
I am so excited that you are digging out because I am digging out too. It will motivate me to know that you're out there in the "trenches" with me. Here's to digging!
Thanks for joining us today!
I definitely have my shovel ready!
Hey its not even Monday here yet, how can it be Monday there? Well I'm waiting for tomorrow to make my house sing.
It's magic...duh! ;)
Happy working song! and Hi Ho! I was singing that song all day Saturday.. whew!
Have fun!!! :)
My home needs a spring cleaning session before all of our guess come the end of May.... That is the not so fun part of spring :)
That's how it is when my sister and her family stay here on vacation. Everything kinda gets put on the back burner because we're busy spending time together. Once they leave, it's back to the grind!! :)
After the weekends, my house always need a good amount of attention! Don't forget to whistle while you work! ;-)
I clean every Friday for a clean house for the weekend and ALWAYS start over again on Monday! Oh well.... I think sometimes its the mundane things that make me feel normal!!!
How is the dog drool coming? I am thinking that we are going to need something industrial strength to get that off!
Mr. Clean Eraser. It will clean almost anything!
Spring gets me in the mood to clean. I feel more alive and want things around me to be nice and pretty.
Washing windows and doing laundry today myself.
DOn't worry LoveAphid, I waited till Monday too.
I just love how many people are doing this these days...OM, if you were doing on Saturday, you were ahead of the game...Pilar, I think that is actually a great thing about Spring...Alicia, that is why it had better be a good visit or the clean-up doesn't seem as worth it! Christine, Mondays are always clean-up day, but like Laura, I try to clean on both Friday (for the weekend) and MOnday (recovering from the weekend)...Clark, we haven't even started yet. Finally, Gens, if you are avoiding housework, posting on blogs on Sunday afternoon becomes a "must-do" activity!
Gotta keep a song in that clean up. I remember we use to listen to singin in the rain while doing white glove at college and also we were sometimes known to clean to the muppets!! jeje
I need to incorporate more of that with my boys. They need to know the funner mom.
Love the song! Hope it helps get the job done. I definitely feel a need to sing when I have a lot to do. Have a great week my friend getting back on track!
Dani Joy, I think knowing that mom is funny is vital. Work doesn't have to be drudgery and I am the one who can show my children that. We have music on during most housework.
Alicia, dog drool is gone, but I still need to dust and vacuum!
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