I've been meaning to tell you all about this for a week now, but life has a habit of moving faster than I notice! On Thanksgiving, I decided I absolutely had to serve home-made whipped cream rather than store-bought with my home-made pies, so I pulled out my food processor, added a bit of vanilla and a bit of powdered sugar to the whipping cream and turned it on. I was so excited as this was the first time I'd done this. Unfortunately, I didn't pay close enough attention to what was going on and, in the blink of an eye, I'd made butter!

Seriously. It is that easy. Obviously I didn't have a butter mold and if I'd known I was going to make butter, I wouldn't have added sugar and vanilla, but still, this took no more than 2 minutes.
Since I'd added the vanilla and powdered sugar, we saved it and used on on our French toast the next day and it was fabulous!
So, am I the only one who didn't know it was this easy to make my own butter? Seriously? Why didn't you all tell me? This was fabulous. I can hardly wait to do it again!
Wow..I am impressed.
You have an award on arise 2 write. It is the second post down.
Blessings and prayers,
Who knew it was so easy? Our great-grandmothers sure would have liked a food processor, wouldn't they?
I had a friend who used to make it at Christmas and put honey in it and give it as gifts. It was so good.
LOL!!! I guess I never knew...
Living it up at Lakewood,
Honey butter sounds terrific...I'll have to try it.
You said food processor - so you didn't use Minnie? When I was living the pioneer lifestyle in CO, I would make my own butter from raw milk we would buy from a lady who actually milked her own cows by hand ($2.50/gal). I would skim the cream and make it in my KitchenAid stand mixer- one electric appliance I considered a necessity even living on solar. Do you know about rinsing butter?
Oh, and yes, I've had one or two OOPS! moments when making whipped cream...that moment between perfect soft peaks and butter is very short!
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