Nineteen years ago today, I was the girl lucky enough to marry Superman. Oh, I know that most people only saw Clark Kent when I married him, but that was fine with me...I saw the man beneath the glasses. Unlike Lois Lane, I saw beneath the surface and made a lifelong commitment to that boy/man he was back then. I knew the man I was marrying would surprise them all. I knew on paper we didn't look like a good match. I knew the in-law problems would probably never go away (and I was right - sorry, Honey!) and I knew I was probably a total pain in the rear (and I was - again, sorry, Honey!) I knew he was too young (only 23!) to take on a girl as messed up as I was. None of that stopped me. For I knew who he was and what he was, when most people didn't bother to look beneath the surface. I knew he was my hero, my protector, my knight in shining armor, my partner, the father of my future children, my stability and security, my biggest fan, and my very best friend. Truly, it was the best decision of my life. Yep, I married Superman nineteen years ago and he's never let me down. Wasn't I a lucky girl?
Happy Anniversary, Superman! I love you!
Awww happy anniversary!
I'm so jealous, you haven't changed a bit. So not fair...
Happy Anniversary. Ain't it great to still be in love when you have college age children. Drives them crazy when they see us smooching. LOL
Congratulations. Looks like you were one smart cookie then too.
T_T *wipes tears away* awwww! that's so nice!! I happen to think that it was a good thing that you and Dad got together, too... and not for the obvious reason, either ;D
I am truly the luckiest guy on earth! After an entire day of trying to get the furnace fixed, Jessica Rabbit is still smiling at me! Love, Superman.
She'd be smiling even more if the furnace was actually fixed!
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