Monday, December 6, 2010

Early Deadline and Homemade Candy

According to my post office, today is the last day for me to ship packages guaranteed to get to Superman for Christmas.  Are you usually ready for Christmas on the 6th of December?  Yeah, me neither!!

Add in that Superman is on a cot in a 25-man tent with no personal storage and you can guess what trouble I had coming up with suitable Christmas gifts.  I finally decided it all had to be consumable and that he'd love to have stuff to share.  I decided homemade candy would be perfect.

So, on Saturday I made candies, a lot of candies.  (This is the only time of year I can send chocolates and I know Superman misses them dearly.)

I made Peppermint Bark.

I made chocolate clusters with pretzel bits and marshmallows.

I made pretzel sticks dipped in chocolate and rolled in toffee bits.

I made pretzel sticks dipped in white chocolate and striped with dark chocolate.

I didn't stop there.  On Sunday, I made a batch of chocolate-covered oreo-type cookies.

Then, I fashioned my own almond-roca type candies.

Last night, I got it all packed, sealed, and labeled.  I've even filled out the customs form already.

Today, I will deliver it all to the United States Postal Service.  I did my part and now I expect them to do theirs and get Superman his goodies in time for Christmas.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Making all this stuff was super easy.  If you're at all interested, I'll share all the ingredients and instructions...just let me know.


  1. Yes, please share how you made these and I'm also interested in any secrets you have of wrapping them and shipping them safely. I would like to send some candy to my dad in Arizona. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Superman gets his goodies on time!

  2. Me too, me too! Especially the peppermint bark, and the oreo cookie thingys! Consumables are a great idea, sounds perfect! Kudos to you for getting them out on time.

  3. mmm they all look so yummy. i hope he gets them in time and safely.

  4. Mmm Mmmm - I love chocolate! -- It all looks wonderful! What a nice holiday surprise -

  5. Hi Erin,
    Any chance i could talk you into sharing one of these yummy recipes on the winter holiday cookie swap? Candy also welcome!

    I just have to say, I got the biggest kick out of Superman sitting at the thanksgiving table.

    I love all the ways you keep him ever present in the daily lives of yourself and your children.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!