Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Crafts

The Friday following Thanksgiving, a friend of ours hosted a craft afternoon.  (Far more fun than fighting crowds on Black Friday!)

She had gathered some little ceramic ornaments and some unpainted trinket boxes for everyone to paint.  We contributed our stash of paints and some serious enthusiasm. 

I think we did pretty well, don't you?

Buttercup painted the box with the engraving...didn't she make it beautiful?

Valiant took the time to paint brass "corners" on his box and they look so good.  He also had a mixed result experiment with crackle medium.

After everything dried for a week, I wrote the kids' names on their ornaments and their trinket boxes and sprayed everything with some clear lacquer.

 I love to see how each of them approaches their creative endeavors from completely different perspectives...I can hardly wait to see what they'll come up with.

It really doesn't take much to have a fun afternoon with some successful crafting...be brave!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Definitely successful crafting!


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