Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Musings - Nothing to Say

Do you ever find yourself in that weird place wherein you have so much on your mind and really nothing to say?  If you do, then you'll be able to relate to where I am these days.  That is where I'm living.  There is so much going on that I'm thinking about...decisions, plans, hopes, dreams, struggles...and nothing I'm talking about.  I'm living in my mind.  I don't have a lot to contribute to conversations because the dialogue I'm having with myself is taking all my thought capacity.   Kids, house, and mental dialogue.  That is all that is going on in my world these days.

One of the things I've been thinking about (and talking with my kids about) is this article I read.  It is all about a Seattle family who is allowing/encouraging/supportive of their five year old son wearing tights, tiaras, and dresses.  The mother wrote a book call "My Princess Boy".  I'm struggling with this (not that it is my problem/situation/concern, you understand, but it joined the mental fray) because I understand her desire to make her son feel okay about who he is, but I'm not sure that what she is doing is actually helpful.  I don't know.  What do you think?

Oh, and as a random of the blogs I read suggested spraying the inside of your toilet paper roll with perfume (as a way to use up old perfume) to freshen your bathroom every time you turn the roll.    Not a bad idea...I used the perfume I had and worked well.  Weird, I know.

Buttercup has taken to wearing leg-warmers on her arms as sleeves.   Since I saw a number of sleeve  tutorials last year, I guess she's not the only one.  Who knew? I still think it is odd, but, hey, at least the gag gift my sister sent me last year is actually getting used. 

Why do you think the beneficial side-effect of gaining one hour during "fall back" only lasts one day, but the detrimental side-effect of losing one hour during "spring forward" seems to take a week to get over?

Finished an apron for Valiant...he barbecues and cooks and wanted one of his own, so we picked out fabric and made it happen.  Unfortunately, it took me 5 months to make it happen, but it is done.

Are you going to try to do hand-made gifts this year?  I am...I've been thinking a lot about what to make for I just have to make it happen.

Superman has been flying all over parts of the Middle East....he took a picture of a floor urinal and posted in on his blog.  I'd never seen one before, but still, I'm not sure it would be something I would have blogged.  Boys are so weird.

Enough oatmeal raisin cookies are ready to come out of the oven.

1 comment:

  1. I've been in the exact same place mentally (notice lack of postings on my blog lately!).

    I'm not sure what to say about the boy in Seattle. I read the article but didn't watch the video of the interview. Interesting to think about. I do think when raising kids who don't stick to stereotypical gender roles, raising girls is a little easier. For example...girl with power tools - considered empowered. Boy in tutu - hmmmmm, raises some questions.

    I was going to make a lot of hand-made gifts this year, but now am not so sure. Time is tick tick ticking and I'm (finally) learning to balance my load a little more realistically. There will be some - the gifts I know that will be special and super appreciated by both the recipient and for me - the rest, another time!

    The urinal - ick! I wonder, when they clean it, do they mop it? If they mop it, do they then mop the rest of the floor? (These questions are rhetorical of course.) LOL


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