Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shoot Me! #19 - Costco and #20 - Amongst Lovely Things

It occurred to me that blogging connects people from all over the country, even all over the world.  We find our common ground and share our lives...kind of like a Venn Diagram where we all meet in the middle.  My friend Gens is in the Deep South and my friends Karen and Kyle are in So Cal.  My sister is in Boston.  We're spread out all over the place, you know?  Yet, when I say "Costco" to almost any blogger, you immediately get an image in your mind.  Do you think of the taste test ladies?  Those ladies make my kids love Costco.  Maybe you think of the photo processing or the book section, the meat coolers or the milk, egg, and dairy cooler.  Regardless, I'd bet you could walk through my Costco and find everything you were looking for and, conversely, I'll bet I wouldn't have any difficulty finding my way around your Costco.   Our lives might be different in so many ways, but we share enough that we speak the same "language".  Isn't that kind of cool?

Here is a shot of me at my Costco.  Does it look anything like your Costco?  Yeah, I thought so.  This is my submission for week 19 of Shoot Me...I'm trying to catch up.  Charming took it just today as we raced through Costco so I could hurry up, get home, and take the two younger ones, Valiant and Buttercup, to hang out with my new blogger friend, Sarah at Amongst Lovely Things

We've been fortunate enough to discover that we live a few blocks away from a fellow blogger.  Don't you wish you knew more of the bloggers you read?  Even better?  We love her and her family!  Sarah homeschools her three adorable children who are much younger than mine:  Primrose, Tulip, and Snapdragon.  They're new to our area and I'm so glad she ended up joining my homeschool group.  She's like a breath of fresh air.  She is so fun and has the most infectious laugh...whenever she laughs, you want to join right in.   We had hoped to have a picnic today, but the weather hasn't cooperated, so we headed over to their house for some inside play.   When I confessed that I dragged my camera along so I could grab another photo for Shoot Me, Sarah and Primrose joined in with Buttercup and me, while Valiant snapped the photo for me!  Her house was full of fun and some crazy creatures, don't you think?  (I think the girls' drawings got a life of their own!)  So, head over to Sarah's and say "Hi".

Shoot Me is the brainchild of Carin at Forever In Blue Jeans...a year long project in which you include yourself in at least one photo you snap each week.   I'm still a week behind, but I'm catching up.  Carin Says:
It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! And just jump in now with 1 of 52, you can do it!


  1. You are SO cute! How did I ever get so lucky? I am glad that you have made some new connections in the neighborhood. It is funny how small the world is sometimes.

  2. Oh, how awesome is that!!!!!!!! A fellow blogger only a few blocks away? What a blessing!! And you look so cute!

  3. That's a lovely Costco photo of you, Erin! And yes, i love to meet more bloggers in real life. In my 3 years of blogging, i've already met a handful. They are nice experiences.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. No Costco in my neck of woods; have to make do with Tesco Lotus or Carrefour. Close enough ;-) Have a blessed weekend!

  5. how fun is that!

    i hope to meet my fellow bloggers, too. ^^,

    you look so cute, erin!

    (and, you are right. people are struggling to actually see that i am not driving a bus. FYI: i am NEVER a driver. LOL)

    thanks for dropping by my site!

  6. That's awesome to live that close and to have found each others blogs. Very cool. I'd have to drive close to 400 miles to meet up with my closest bloggy friend. Of course I live out in the boondocks.

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog. Love your pictures and think it is neat that you have a blogger that lives close. That is great. Have a great weekend. I am now a follower!!

  8. SO fun having you over, little-boy-antics and all. :) Happy weekend!

  9. I think I live at costco being there 3 times this past week! The ties that bind right? How fun to have a fellow blogger so close and so much in common. Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Don't have a Costco here --- Minnesota booneys but when I hear Costco I think pictures (must be from advertising!) -- How cool to meet a fellow blogger and better yet to find out you live so close.... Great pictures by the way!

  11. Love your embellishments on your photos! I wish we had a costco. All we have is Sams and sometimes I get tired of it :-) Too cute!

  12. Wouldn't know what our Costco looks like, never been in it. LOL Not a big shopper. Hubby says I'm like a man when it comes to shopping. Go in, get what I need, pay, leave. Looks like you've had a busy, fun week. Can't believe spring comes so late for you guys. We get our last frost on Apr 15 and I am biting at the chomps by then. LOL My garden is doing good so far, not as big as yours, but it will give me guinea pig food and people food and it's pretty too. Can't wait to start picking my own lettuce very soon. It's been HOT here lately and boy am I enjoying it. Taking today off from the to do list and enjoying post graduation bliss. She's got two months to rest before we head up the road to the dorms. And rest is what we are planning on doing. :)

  13. YEP! My Costco looks like your Costco ;-)
    Love your post and portrait!
    How very creative of you!


  14. OMG! I love the idea of Shoot Me! I was just thinking the other day of how few pictures my family has of me because I'm the one always taking the photo. You have excellent ideas. Great that you found a fellow blogger so close - wow! How amazing is that, small world.



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