Friday, May 28, 2010

Fertilizer Friday...Rainy Week Edition

In our region of the world, our last freeze date is supposed to be May 15th.  Unfortunately, we got a surprise late freeze last week and people had some serious damage.  Fortunately, my plants did fine...we covered them for the night and they were fine in the morning.  Since then we've had a few days of warm weather followed by gentle rain for the past few days.  The plants have loved it.  I am so excited that my garden is doing so well.  It makes my heart smile to see all these plants I started from seed. 

Tomatoes and peppers from seed.  Why did I say both?  Because I can't tell which is which, so I don't know if the picture I took is of a pepper or a tomato (but I think it is a tomato).

The squash patch...this is where I did the lasagna gardening and just put my not-quite-done compost material on the dirt, mixed it around a bit, and called it good enough.  The pumpkins and zucchini seem to be fine with it.

My broccoli and lettuce are doing well in the actual garden space.  I have two watermelons that survived the drama of the spring, but I'm thinking I lost my last surviving cantaloupe. 

My verbena and cosmos and even my petunias are doing well, too.  Did I mention that Tootsie taught me how to harvest my own petunia seeds.  (White seemed the most prevalent last fall, so I have a lot of white petunias this year!)  I'm just so excited to see them all.

Fertilizer Friday is the time to share our gardens...our triumphs and our failures.  Tootsie's encouragement and all the other bloggers who jump in each week have definitely made me enjoy my garden and gardening so much more.  Head over to Tootsie's and see what is going on around the gardening is always inspiring.


  1. Thanks for stopping by for a Latte. Your garden looks to be coming quite along, I'll be interest to see how the squash turn out. I went out to our garden last night and found a deer had eaten our green beans, so I might be replanting this weekend. So glad I found your blog and I'm happy to be your newest follower!

  2. You are right. That is a tomato! Your plants look great. I have been out today staking & tieing up tomatoes. Oh my back hurts! Ha!

  3. Yeap, that's definitely a tomato. I'm so jealous of your squash patch. I'd love to grow squash, but I don't have enough space. Your flowers are lovely, too.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  4. Wow, you're a true gardener. Looks like a tomato plant to me, too. I sure hope you don't get anymore freezes. Mmm, watermelon. I'll be looking forward to seeing them progess.

  5. Love your header! Your weather sounds like ours. WE had snow last weekand rain all this week0 everything is so green! Your veggies look very happy - I look forward to watching their progres this summer. Paula from Idaho

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog on Fertilizer Friday, I thought I'd visit yours. Good on you making a lasagna bed, I did that at my previous garden, and it is so much easier than double digging or removing sod. I save seed too!


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