Thursday, February 25, 2010

Shoot Me! 7 and 8 of 52

Carin at Forever in Blue Jeans had this great idea to get us in the pictures. Yes, you...the person always holding the camera at family gatherings. The one NOT present in any meaningful way in the family pictures...okay, not present AT ALL in the family pictures. She challenges us all to get in the pictures. Some people have been very creative and set up tripods to capture life. Me? I'm still at the "Darn, I need a picture for Shoot Me!" phase. My pictures have all been taken from a distance exactly equal to how far my own arm reaches from my face. I really need to work on that. This week, however, won't be that week. No, this week I'm catching up from missing a week of blogging so I haven't had time to create something, well, creative. Oh well, maybe next time.

Week 7 of 52:

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of being the first non-family member to watch baby Kaleb. Can you believe it? I was so honored. Do you remember baby Kaleb? He was born at the end of November but still managed to drag his mom to our Christmas party the first week of December. This boy is a charmer! He's already 3 months old, but this picture is from our first "date" when he was 6 or 7 weeks old.
The funniest part? I managed to blink when I was taking my own picture! Come on...that is funny!

Week 8 of 52:

After days of beautiful weather filled with sunshine and blue skies and temperatures in the high 40s and low 50s, we awoke yesterday to big fat fluffy snowflakes falling out of the sky. Today? No snow and bright beautiful weird is that?

Anyway, photographic evidence of the snow is behind me in this'll just need to take my word for it that I took it yesterday. I pinky promise!


  1. LOL ... now that is pitiful that you blinked for your own camera. ha ha

    The second pic is lovely.

    I started taking lots of pictures of myself when I got a digital camera. I figured if I didn't, my poor daughter wouldn't have a clue what I looked like when she was a baby. :o)

  2. I always or almost always close my eyes when anyone snaps a picture.
    Hugs, andrea

  3. blinked! That is too funny!!

    And I love the second one!! So pretty!

  4. You do a great job taking your self portraits - eyes open or closed ;) Oh...I miss those days of snuggling with a baby.

  5. Aren't self portraits fun! Fun day holding baby...

  6. You are so funny! Great pictures too, you are very pretty!

  7. wheheh funny! :) but you look great on the second one :)

    sorry for the late visit!
    u may view mine here


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