Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Photo Flashback - Birthday Edition

Well, it is Friday again (already!), but this time I'm not struggling to find pictures to share for Friday Photo Flashback. If anything, it was tough to narrow it down today. Why? Because today my first born, Prince Charming, turns 19! Yep...already...I blinked and he went from this:

Our first day home from the hospital...notice the birth documents are actually on the bed next to him.

To this: Charming's first birthday.

To this: Walking around in Mom's boots (I know, he'll probably kill me for this one).

To this: Summertime tan...too cute.

To this: 16 on a boat in Priest Lake, ID.

and finally to picture because he's in the dorms (but I'll be seeing him tonight)...he's graduating college in May and on his way to his "own" life. He just doesn't understand. He'll always be my baby.

So, Happy Birthday, Prince Charming! We think you're the best!

Head over to More Than Words to see what else is going on as people mosey on down Memory Lane this Friday Photo Flashback.


  1. aww... these are the best kind of memories!

    Stopping by for the first time as I participate in Friday Photo Flashback!

    So nice visiting with you!
    Kindly, ldh

  2. That is beautiful. They're in a big hurry to grow up...don't they know they'll always be our babies? I hope so. Happy Birthday to your son!

  3. Erin, Please pass on this message to Charming for me:

    la la la la la
    ♫ Happy Birthday to You! ♪
    ♫ Happy Birthday to You! ♫
    ♪ Happy Birthday Dear Charming! ♫
    ♫ Happy Birthday to You! ♪
    ♫ And Many Mooooore ♫
    With ♥ from Tricia (and Bob and Robby, too!)

    P.S. Sorry I missed Valiant's big day. Please wish him belated birthday wishes from us also.

  4. Awww, so sweet!!!! Time flies way too fast.

  5. Happy Birthday, tired of cake yet? LOL All those birthdays one after another. But each one just as precious. I know you are proud of all he's accomplished in just 19 years. He's ready to take on the world. Wish most of the kids I worked with today showed his kind of desire to take the world by the horns. Those that do are going to go far. Happy Birthday Charming. You are aptly named.

  6. This makes me want to cry because I'm sure the time just flew by! I want to make sure I don't miss any special moments with my kids before they are off on their own!!

    Have fun tonight, and tell him Happy Birthday! He's a cutie!

  7. What a great series of photos! Simply amazing how fast they grow! Happy Birthday and wow only 19 and will be graduating soon!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (thank you for stopping by on my Kimono Kids post. I am finally stopping back...I had hoped to get a Friday Photo Flashback post, but it is already 11:35pm! And it takes me sooo ridiculously long to get a post together :o)

  8. Oh! really time flew so fast and he is now 19..Well, extend my happy birthday greetings for him. He is a cute guy...

  9. awesome post today! love the photos!


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