Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm Thinking...

That I should stop while I'm so far behind! If I never, ever do the Body Test again on the Wii Fit Plus, can I just stay 16 years younger than I am?

Just asking...

Tonight is a Game Night Going Away Party for Superman and Mr. M (who, you might recall, is active Air Force and is deploying overseas on Monday for at least four months). Mr. M is the father of that adorable newborn baby you saw here. Since both of the men are leaving next week, we decided to have Game Night do double duty. We're serving "man food" (ribs, fried chicken, baked beans, potato salad, rolls) and a salad for those of us who just can't face "man food". Should be super fun and send them off with a smile and full stomachs.

Happy Saturday!


Andrea said...

Have fun!!

Darla said...

A big 'Thank You' to the guys for doing what they do so we can enjoy what we do!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't stop now, after a night of man food you may not be so "far behind" after all.

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

Sounds like a fun evening!

More Than Words said...

I need to get that!!!

Hope you had a fun night, Erin. I'm sure you did though! ;)

CaliGirl said...

Bye, Superman! Have a great flight overseas. Wish we could have been there to help send you off, but we'll be thinking about you while you're gone. We'll be here to help Erin with whatever she needs, too. So, Erin, your challenge is to ask us if you need us! Got it!? LOL

Anonymous said...

Yup, stop now. Freeze frame it. No. LOL That won't work. Thighs don't workt that way. But man am I jealous. I never get that good. But guess what I got for my birthday yesterday? Yup, the Wii Fit PLUS!!! I am so excited. I can fly. Well not really, but I am working on it.

Hugs to Superman and Mr. M. Safe flights to both of you. We appreciate what you are doing for your country. Work hard, come home safe. Make us all proud. And know that we'll be here supporting you skinny young thing along the way until you get back.

Anonymous said...

P. S. And now I don't feel so bad. That Mii looks just as chubby as mine does. LOL