Thursday, January 14, 2010

Shoot Me! 2 of 52...

Did you think I'd forget? No way! I've been busy getting Superman ready to leave tomorrow, but I wanted to share this picture we took right before the Game Night good-bye party for Superman and Mr. M.

Arent' we goofy?

In other news, we just got back from turning in passport applications for the kids and me Unfortunately, we were only able to turn in our applications for Buttercup and me. Apparently the "certified abstract" I've always used for Valiant doesn't count as a "certified" birth certificate (who knew?), so now we need to rush out and get Superman's consent for Valiant to get a passport notarized before Superman leaves so that when I get the properly "certified" birth certificate, I can apply for a passport for Valiant without Superman being there. Fun times!

Anyway, to see how everyone else got themselves in the picture, head over to Forever in Blue Jeans and check out their submissions!


Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

Great picture of you and your husband before he leaves!

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture. Sorry about the passports. I wouldn't even know where to start if we ever left the country!

Melissa Henning said...

what a cute picture of you guys. Sorry for the problems you are having with the passport but I have faith that you will be able to get everything together so that you can get it (God is awesome like that).

Praying for a safe trip for Superman and Mr. M, and of course you guys and Mr. M's loved ones! ((Hugs))

Darcie said...

It just amazes me all the paperwork that goes into that. Hopefully it will all get figured out quickly.

Great picture of you and your husband.

jen@odbt said...

That is a great photo. I hope all goes well with his departure and your passport situation gets fixed quickly.

Anonymous said...

It that always the way? There is always something to slow you down. Love the picture though, was that you holding the camera or did someone else take the shot? I'll be talking to you later I'm sure.

More Than Words said...

Awww! What a great picture of the two of you! And you're looking fab!!

Carin said...

Oh, what a special and beautiful picture! Aren't game nights the best! You both look just wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Aren't you glad you didn't wait? Cute picture. Been busy here too. Is this year flying by for everyone or is it just me?

Mamí♥Picture said...

What a Beautiful picture of you 2!
Lovely smilesƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Leah said...

Thanks for visiting - wonderful picture of you and your hubby! -- You have an interesting year coming up - blogging will be an excellent tool to stay in touch...

Anonymous said...

Interesting about the passport situation... hope it all works out for you. Great pic of you with your Superman!