Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, Tuesday, Touch Your Shoe Day...

We'll it is Tuesday and we're smack-dab in the middle of our family visit with our family from across the country: my sister, LoveAphid, her husband Fig, and her dad. Superman has had to work (despite his plans to take a vacation) because of unforeseen events at work, but still, we're having a ball. Monday was spent "getting to know you" and showing them around the Nagle5 household. We had Daeji Bulgogi courtesy of Superman and had Cheesecake Brownies for dessert.

Tuesday is going to see us getting out a bit. LoveAphid is teaching Buttercup to crochet, so we'll need to get a crocheting needle and some yarn. I suspect Valiant is going to be challenging Fig to more Halo. Maybe we'll go bowling or go to a park or just head back home for fun...we'll see...it is all open.

Somewhere in the afternoon we'll be making some gigantic cupcakes for Adminstrative Assitant Day...Superman needs five and we can always find someone else to eat the rest! (I'll post pictures when we're done with them.)

For dinner we're having fajitas with my home-made refried beans and home-made tortilla chips. I love home-made tortilla chips and I thought I'd remind you how to make them, just in case you've never done it. It is a bit messy, but well-worth your effort. They can't be more simple: You simply cut corn tortillas into six triangles (or you can use metal cookie cutters to make them into seasonal shapes...last night, I stuck with traditional) and fry them up in small batches. Then you drain them (I use paper towels on top of brown paper grocery bags), salt them, and serve them. They are soooo good. Serve them warm with guacamole and your favorite salsa.

Finally, we're ending up the evening with a mid-week Game Night so LoveAphid and Fig can get the whole effect. Isn't it nice of our friends to venture out on a busy week-night? We're so blessed!

Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

All I can say is I am looking forward to all of it! And I'm gaining more weight but it is soooooo worth it.

Erin said...

Skirts are good...scales are bad!

Unknown said...

love the hot tortilla idea! I will have to try it sometime.

hope you have a great time with family!!

Erin said...

Game Night was a blast, Dani Joy!