Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Little Present Left Behind...

Whenever we have Game Night, Charming is score-keeper. Frankly, he needs something to do with his hands. Charming is a closet artist and the temptation of the pen is too much. He doodles all around the scores, filling the page by the end of the evening. Most nights, we end up with a lot of eyes, maybe a shoulder or a face. This weekend, however, Charming left behind something a little better than random eyeballs!

What do you think of my little present? Pretty cool, isn't it?


momstheword said...

Very pretty drawing! Laughed at your comment. I was thinking I shouldn't let my kids carry all the heavy stuff since I need to keep my muscles, lol!

Anonymous said...

Awwww that Charming is so, well, Charming. What a sweet little present. Ha has a good eye.

Erin said...

Moms, I know...this lady was completely staring as Valiant carried the 25 pound bag of cat food while Buttercup "helped" me across the parking lot. Those kids1

LA, cool, isn't it?

momstheword said...

That's why I'm giving this whole Twitter thing a "test drive." To make sure I can do it without overdoing it. We'll see!

Love the homemade refried beans. That's one of my "want to try" things.