Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hmmm...I wonder if he's trying to tell me something...

Maybe my kids sent out an SOS because lunch these days has been of the yo-yo variety. What? You don't know what yo-yo lunch is? You're On - Your Own! Anyway, I wonder if the family has had it with yo-yo lunches because Mr. M brought these by this evening. Superman immediately started having flashbacks to his days in the military many moons ago. The kids and I wondered if something that color could even contain food.

Actually, Mr. M is way cool to have brought these over for the kids to see and Superman to reminisce over. (I think it is a guy thing--eating freeze-dried food in unpleasant conditions is a bonding experience.) They were left over from a recent exercise and he wanted to get them to us before he heads out of country again - he's already gone as I write this! I guess this is a sign that I'd better get back into menu planning so the kids don't have to resort to MREs for lunch. Then again, these things even have "flameless ration heaters" that warm the food...mmmmm....doesn't that sound yummy?


  1. #2 has a father in the guard and he once served the girls MRE when they spent the night at his house. She wanted to know where he shopped. Apparently they were quite good. My kids love it when they are on their own for dinner. It means junk pizzas, and hot dogs and chips instead of veggies. LOL

  2. The meals are not freeze dried and are ready to eat out of the package. The big thing for me is the fact that they now come with the heaters! Looking back, eating a very cold serving of Chicken-a-la-King or a cold and partially rehydrated Pork Patty was kind of gross. Being able to warm them up would have made them a lot more palatable.

  3. Yep my friend, I'd say you better work on that lunch menu :o)


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