Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easy Chicken Burrito Recipe...

One of my bloggy friends asked me to post an easy Mexican food recipe, so I decided to go ahead and post my easiest...we're having it tonight, in fact! JoyceMarie, this one's for you! Today is museum day, so we're heading out at 1:00 p.m. and won't be back until dinner time. So, I'm pulling out a container of refried beans that I made this weekend out of the freezer and making this amazing chicken. It is so amazing that I decided it would be the first Mexican food recipe I share with you.

Take two frozen chicken breasts and throw them into the crock pot. Add water and a lot of your favorite salsa and cook on low for four to six hours. (You can also add a can of stewed tomatoes if you'd like...sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.) A few hours into it, check to make certain there is still enough liquid in there--you don't want dried out chicken. If you need to, add more salsa or water (you choose). Shred your chicken with a fork and leave it in the juice. Once you get to this point, you can do it two can add 1/2 cup of rice and let it cook in the liquid and serve it as an arroz con pollo kind of filling, or you can just serve the chicken. Again, I do it both ways, depending upon my mood. (The picture above is without rice.) If you do add the rice, don't add too much or it will be too starchy (yes, that was the voice of experience!).

Anyway, once the chicken is done, serve it with warm flour tortillas, refried beans, cheese, salsa, guacamole, sour cream and whatever else you like in your burritos. People can just fill their own the way they like them. Viola! Easy peasy chicken burritos that your family will love because you are using your favorite salsa to season the meat!

Doesn't this sound good?


  1. Yummy Delicious and oh so easy. I'm in. Gonna do it next week!

  2. Home made beans, shredded chicked and warm flour tortillas...what more can you ask for? The house smelled like heaven walking in the door yesterday!


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