Monday, February 4, 2013

An Old Standby Gets An Athletic Update

I've been using this backpack pattern for more than a year now and I just love it.  When I found out our gym was having a gift exchange as part of the Christmas party, I immediately thought of this backpack.  The real problem?  Finding the perfect fabric.  I logged on to Spoonflower, where I sourced this Doctor Who fabric, and found this amazing kettlebell fabric!  Perfect for Crossfitters, wouldn't you say?

Then I headed to Hancock Fabrics, got some coordinating fabric (solid grey, in this case) and made two of these for someone at our gym and one for my sister!

I love the way this turned out (both times!)
Isn't it cute?  I love it!

Nice big pocket which zips shut.
It is the perfect combination of looks and function, with a zipper pocket on the outside, and it is washable.

See, not nearly as bright as the image would have you think!
Drawstring opening at the top forms the black straps so the straps won't show dirt.  The perfect little backpack!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute - I remember when you made the other one! Sure looks easy!


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