Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Litter control!

When you have cats, one of the unfortunate realities is that you deal with cat litter.   When you have four cats, it can become a seriously pressing issue.  Honestly, it is a challenge to keep the litter confined to the litterbox area.  I saw this post from "Practically Functional" a few days ago and thought it was pure genius.  Seriously.  The next morning, I headed to my own Home Depot and bought this anti-fatigue mat and cut it down to size (simply using a box knife, I cut one row off...originally 3 x 3, I cut it down to 2 x 3) and put it into place. 

Anti-fatigue mat solves cat litter dilemma!
When the cats hit the mat, any litter that might be on their paws falls into the holes of the mat rather than coming with them into the laundry room and beyond.  (Oh, what?  You don't see the litter box?   That would be because the litterbox is in the bathtub with a row of the mat under it...yes, we have actually given up the use of a bathtub in our house to keep our litterbox out of the way.)

Best solution ever!
Anyway, this was a genius solution and I am so glad that Jessi at Practically Functional shared her simple solution so I could copy it!

Day 98 - Dealing with cat litter is definitely productive!


  1. What a great idea! I only have two cats, but they definitely track litter all over. I think I'll put this on my list of things to buy, maybe even today if I get around to it.

  2. I think you will be pleased if you do! Let me know how it works for you.

  3. So glad that mat worked for you! I think that's exactly the same mat we used and it's amazing, works great!


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