Saturday, May 5, 2012

Days 5 & 6 - The 30-Day Paleo Challenge

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!  We're already concluding Day 6 of our 30 Day Paleo Challenge...can't believe we've made it through six days already! 

Day 5 turned out to be a fabulous one.   I got up early (for me!) and hit the road.  I spent five hours (including 2 hours of driving) getting my hair done by my oh-so-talented friend.  Not trying to hide my gray, but I do appreciate getting it blended in a little bit!

Look at this fabulous looks like Mother Nature painted it, doesn't it?

Doesn't she do a fabulous job?  The gray is still there, but didn't she do a wonderful job blending it in?  She is so worth driving for.

Dutch Oven Chicken, adapted from The Primal Blueprint Cookbook
Didn't hit the gym...I was still so sore from the workout the day before.  Still I made some wonderful Dutch Oven Chicken for turned out fabulously. 

All in all, I think Day 6 was a productive and successful Paleo Challenge day.

On to Day 6 - Cinco De Mayo!!  I finally had a good night's sleep and got my point for sleepingWe stayed Paleo all day, until dinner.  Then, like much of the country, we headed out to our local Mexican restaurant and enthusiastically celebrated Mexican Independence Day!  Nope, not a Paleo meal...but that is okay, because I'd planned for a cheat meal and was strict for the day leading up to our meal.  My points for the day won't be good, but this is life, isn't it?

This is what it looked like after I initially blended together the egg, the lemon
juice, the first batch of oil, the salt, and the mustard powder.
Oh, and I made homemade olive oil mayonnaise!  Even better, it turned out well!  I'm so excited...I got the recipe from The Clothes Make the Girl.  Who knew you could make mayonnaise from scratch so easily!
This is after I drizzled in the one cup of oil!  It emulsified properly...woot!
Oh, and if your going to try it yourself, all the recipes talk about how the trick is to "drizzle" the olive oil oh-so-slowly to get the mixture to emulsify properly and I was scared to death that I'd ruin it.  I decided to put the olive oil in a squeeze bottle, so that I couldn't inadvertently pour the oil in tpo fast and ruin my mayonnaise.

The plastic bottle was the key to "drizzling" properly...
 It worked beautifully...

And Day 6 of the 30 Day Paleo Challenge concluded with a double feature:

Where the Boys Are for Buttercup,

followed by Blade Runner for Valiant.

I wonder if I'll convince him to read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?...only time will tell.


  1. Damn! Where to begin with all of this???? This should have been like 3 posts! Your hair turned out fabulously! She is really worth the drive. Dinner looks great and I can't wait to try the mayo when I get home. So many new things!
    Loved seeing the iPad on the counter being used as a recipe book. I have never seen "Where the Boys Are", so I can't really say. But as far as Blade Runner goes, I will take the book over the movie any day.

  2. What he said.

    Except I love blade runner, but for very different reasons then loving the book. I think for its time it was visually amazing, and Rutger Haur is off the charts crazy yet sympathetic.


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