Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 7 - 30 Day Paleo Challenge - A First Job, Cute Toes, and a New Recipe

Woot!  The conclusion of our first week of the 30 Day Paleo seems silly to admit it, but I just wasn't sure any of us were going to make it this far.  Valiant has thrown in the towel, but Buttercup is chugging right along...sticking to it, despite some missteps.  Me?  I'm actually doing really well. Didn't manage to get enough sleep (although that might have something to do with the fact that we stayed up til almost 2:00 a.m.).  As for eating, I wondered how I'd recover from our deviation for Cinco de Mayo and I am pleased to report I had strict adherence today.

Cheerful Box Boy!
Did I mention that Valiant is now among the gainfully employed?  Yes, it is true.  His hard work (and great appearance) paid off and in one week he was offered two jobs.  He took the job that got the ball rolling first, but would have been happy with either of them. 

He has already worked a few shifts and can hardly wait for that first paycheck.  What is he doing?  Well, he's a "courtesy clerk" (box boy!) at a local grocery store.  The most amusing part?  He has to wear a tie.  That just cracks me up. 

A first job...what an exciting thing.  Do you remember yours?  After babysitting and housework, mine was McDonald's.

I ask him to pose for a picture before work today.  He even granted me a boon and gave me a small smile.  The things his mother asks of him...

Summer toes!

While the boy was at work, the girl and I headed off for some girl time:  pedicures!  Flip flops in hand, we headed out.  (Do you remember when flip flops were thongs and thong didn't reference lingerie?  Man, I'm old!)
I confess that I didn't really need polished toes as much as I "needed" to sit in the massage chair and soak my feet.  Don't you love those massage chairs?  Buttercup told me we needed one at home.  Being a good mother, I told her she should ask her father.  Poor man.

Anyway, she went with neon orange and flowers.  Aren't they cute?  Can you tell we are desperate for summer to get here?   These are definitely "summer" toes.

Finally, dinner tonight was a new one for me and it was a screaming success!  This one came from The Primal Blueprint Quick & Easy Meals and lived up to the description.  It was a recipe for Pork Chops and Shredded Brussel Sprouts which was fabulously simple. 

A little deviation:  I added bacon to our brussel sprouts.
The best part?  After a day of being sure they were going to hate it, the kids told me it was fabulous.  Sadly, they didn't stop there and went on at length about how surprised they were that I fed them something edible.  Still, the praise was sincere, so I'm keeping it!

Day 7 was a good one...can you tell?

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Valiant. You look fantastic, and Uncle Fig wears a tie every day to work, so you are in good company.

    Love those toes BC.

    Can I come over the next time you have brussels Sprouts with bacon? Yummmmm!


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