Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Cure for the Winter Blues

I have had a bad case of the winter blues, the doldrums, cabin fever, or whatever you want to call it.  Truly...between grey days and the drama of three kids with various and sundry broken bones and other orthopedic ailments for the past four months, I've really started to feel overwhelmed and underenthused.  "Yippee...another trip to the orthopedist!  I'm so excited!"  "Woohoo!  Another cloudy cheerful!"  Throw in a fender bender and the normal demands of life and I've been in a funk.  I felt like I have been running from morning to night and with never a moment to myself...ever.  I just bounce from one commitment to another until I fall into bed at night, exhausted.  Did I mention I've been in a funk?  Really funky.  (Hey, I'm not proud of it, I'm just keeping it real for you all.)

Obviously, my dearest friend could see my normally cheerful facade fraying at the edges and needed to have my spirit refreshed.  She used one of her precious Paperback Swap credits to surprise me with the most amazing book.  Truly.  I haven't read a book like this book in ages.  In fact, I'm not sure I've read a book like this ever.  Here's the thing, though...I hadn't ever heard of it before my friend mentioned it to me.  Now I can't imagine having missed this is that good.

The Little Book by Selden Edwards was a rare treat...a book that drew me in, avoided the many opportunities for cliches, and kept giving right up until the oh-so-satisfying conclusion.  It was described as a love story, but it was really a life story...filled with philosophy, history, wisdom, and, of course, love.  It was woven together so sweetly, I don't have the words to describe how beautiful this book was. 

It took me a few days to finish this book because my life doesn't allow for hours curled up on a couch, but that was okay by me.  I found myself looking forward to sneaking 15 minutes here and 20 minutes there.  I shoved it in my purse for waiting room time.  I brought it in the car when I headed off to pick up my daughter from youth group.  It is that good.

I urge you to read this was truly a work of art.  It sounds cliche (which the author avoids), but this book is truly amazing.  Oh, and it is a fabulous cure for the Winter Blues.

PS.  A - I know you want me to send it on to Superman for him to read, but I'm just not sure I can give it up.  I am so grateful you thought to gift me with it.  You are an amazing friend.

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