Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ready for Christmas

Can you believe that we only have four more days until Christmas? The past month has flown by, hasn't it? Life in the Nagle5 household has been so busy this past month...broken bones just seemed par for the course. Still, as Christmas fast approaches, I find myself in the unfamiliary position of actually being ready. Really! Can you believe it?   Let me repeat this for you:  I am ready for Christmas.
Our Halloween spider became a Christmas spider...doesn't every home need one?
The last of my Christmas cards were mailed off today and one last present made it into the mail, as well. The presents are wrapped and waiting to be placed under the tree Christmas Eve. The food for Christmas has already been planned and purchased. Even our dress-up clothes are selected and ready for Christmas Day. All we have to do is clean the house and we're good to go.

Weird, isn't it?
The pumpkins on the cabinets were replaced with Christmas trees.
I must confess, this never happens to me. We're the family that wraps presents Christmas Eve and sends out a New Year's letter because I never quite got my Christmas cards out. Will this happen again next year? I doubt it...lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice very often, now does it.
The Fall-themed decor gave way to beloved Christmas decorations.
Superman is on his way home to us as I type this. Yes, my hero will be home for the holidays this year. The whole family is so excited, we can barely contain ourselves. 
Christmas cards get hung on the door as they arrive...
mistletoe can trap the unwary guest, too!
So, with two days to wait before he gets here, I decided to share a little of what we've been up to this last month.

I even used the Silhouette machine to make gingerbread men...too fun!
The Santa-fication process is definitely complete...there isn't a room in the house that has been left untouched.  Now, if  Christmas would just hurry up and get here!!!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Erin! I hope you have a wonderful time with your husband when he gets home, I know you miss him. I love the Santa hat on the Halloween spider.


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