Have you wondered where I've been? Well, wonder no more! Even before Thanksgiving, the Nagle5 household was crazy busy.
On the Saturday before Thanksgiving, the local ski areas in our neck of the woods opened early...way early. We couldn't believe it...we love to ski! So, bright and early (but not too early!) Sunday, the kids and I headed up the mountain. Look how beautiful it was...BEFORE Thanksgiving!!
Charming and Buttercup helped each other get their gear on. (Look at the trees...aren't they gorgeous?)
Don't they look ready for a fun day on the slopes?
Unfortunately, before I could get a terrific picture of Valiant, I got this picture. Yes, this is what you think it is. This is what happens when you come down the slopes via Ski Patrol toboggan.
First we were at the First Aid Station...aren't the flamingos a festive touch? (Kate? Flamingos at the First Aid station?!) Ski Patrol gave Valiant a hot water bottle to take the chill off while they figured out what the boy did to his knee.
They had to cut open his "actually long enough jeans", which caused his mother a twinge of pain. Turns out he broke it...sigh.
Next stop, the ER. Look how kind Charming was to point out where the injury is? (Okay, he was actually threatening to poke it!) A few x-rays and a CT scan later, it turned out Valiant had a fracture of the tibial plateau.
Monday saw us at the orthopedist (holiday week=crazy schedule). Fortunately, he didn't seem to damage the meniscus or the ACL, so, if he can keep from displacing the fracture until the 5th of December, he'll have a quick and easy recovery (otherwise we're looking at surgery). We definitely had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. (Keep your fingers crossed that I can keep a 15-year old immobile for another week.)
So, our first ski outing this year was not quite what we'd planned. Still, the conditions on the mountain were awesome until the mishap and we all had a blast. Charming and Buttercup are ready to head back up the mountain and I'm right there with them (we'll just have to find something to do with Valiant while we are skiing)!
What do they say about the best laid plans? It was a perfect skiing day. It was a shame it had to end like this, but I am glad it wasn't worse.