Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One more little bunting/pennant/whatever...

My little niece is turning two this week!  (Time sure flies...)  Anyway, the kids and I got to meet her in person this summer and she was adorable.   Since she lives on the East Coast, I don't know much of what she plays with or what she likes to do, so I decided against sending a toy. 

Still, I wanted to send something special and I know she knows the letters of her name.  I came up with this (sorry for the bad photos...I had to finish it up late Sunday night to make the mail on Monday.)

What do you think?  I just love the "little girl" fabrics.  Buttercup is so "old" now, that I can't get away with too many of these anymore.   The Silhouette came the to rescue again and helped with cutting out all the shapes...letters, flowers...they were easy. 

There are some little fairy faces peaking out behind the letters or in the flowers.  (I thought a two-year old would like those!)  I added some rick rack to make it more fun.

I think it turned out nice and girly...I hope she likes it.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!