Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This is Primal - Giant Salad

We went to a Memorial Day potluck barbecue on Sunday.  Don't you love potluck?  Not only does it allow you to contribute to the festivities, but by bringing something, you can be sure there is something you like!

Lots of you have been wondering what eating primal looks like, so I've decided to share with you what we eat...even without specific show you just how easy it actually is (once you get the hang of it).

This amazing salad is primal.  Heart of Romaine, hard-boiled egg, black olives, avocado, bacon bits, tomato, and sunflower seeds.  Doesn't that look amazing.  Just make sure you don't add a salad dressing with bad oils (olive oil and balsamic vinegar is perfect) and you have an amazing primal meal.

Told you it was easy!

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