Saturday, June 11, 2011

This is Primal - Chicken Salad

Another simple primal dinner.   A hectic day and a hungry family meant my time was short.  This type of salad is great for days that you're out of time or just don't want to "cook".  The ingredients can be whatever your family likes.  I used what I liked and the kids modified theirs to their tastes.   Chicken salad on romaine lettuce with tomato, avocado, and black olives.  Buttercup used tuna for her salad...the possibilities are endless. 
Quick, easy, delicious and primal. 

Canned meat with mayonnaise*
Black Olives
Salt and Pepper

*  One be truly primal, you shouldn't use store-bought mayonnaise.  Store-bought mayonnaise has soybean oil which is not a "good" fat.  For me, I am using up our old mayonnaise before I a) find "good" mayonnaise or b) learn to make my own.  Store-bought mayonnaise falls into my "not perfect" category and I deal with it.

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