Thursday, February 17, 2011

No Plastic Cups or How to Label Your Drinking Glasses

We have the same core group of friends for dinner with some regularity.   It is so fun to have people who feel like extended family in your life and I love hosting everyone at our house.  After a few years, we've all gotten it down to a science and, while each of us does it a little differently, it always ends up being fun.  One of my quirks?  I don't like using paper plates,  paper napkins, plastic utensils or plastic cups when I can avoid it.  Paper plates and plastic utensils were easy to eliminate...just making sure the dishwasher is empty and the cupboards full before our friends arrive took care of those.  Since we've been using cloth napkins for the past 8+ years, I have plenty of those, too.  

We have plenty of glasses, but since they're all the same, I end up with every cup from my cupboard on the kitchen counter and people still looking for a drinking glass.  I had to come up with a way to label my everyday drinking glasses.

A few scrapbooking tags, some string, a Sharpie, and some of Buttercup's ponytail holders and I think I came up with something clever.

They worked so well...the elastic band stayed put and the tags didn't get in the way.  At the end of the evening, we just slipped them off the glass and loaded the dishwasher.

The best part?  I can reuse them!


  1. That is very clever! I'll be using your idea whenever my kids come over.

  2. This is awesome. I was having the same problem of used glasses on the kitchen counter and no one knew which one was theirs... this is such an easy fix! I wonder if condensation on the glasses will be a problem for the paper tags... I think I'll spray the tags first with an acrylic spray.


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