Saturday, December 4, 2010

Look What We Saw Today!


 After weeks of snowy (read: cloudy) days, Mr. Sun came out today.  It felt glorious and looked beautiful reflecting off the icy snow.

The cat was happy.

The kids were happy.  Even with all the melt off we've had the past few days, the kids have plenty of snow for sledding fun.

A bonus?  The snow plows finally reached our more four-wheel-drive to get to the main road!  Woot!  The sun melted the last of the snow-turned-to-ice off the driveway, too.

The plows follow our lead and dump all the extra snow in the middle of the cul de sac, making an awesome hill for the kids.  Pretty cool, isn't it?

Oh, I love the sunshine, don't you?


  1. Isn't beautiful? Born and raised in So Cal, I wondered how I'd adapt to winter here. I confess that I love it and can't imagine living without it.


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