Monday, November 22, 2010

Why Some Things are Better Done By Men

Well, as predicted, we awoke to a winter wonderland this morning.  It was a typical winter morning in the Nagle household.Valiant enthusiastically headed outside to shovel the drive and head down to the neighbor's to do her driveway, too.  As I'd planned, I tackled the plastic insulation on the windows.  I started with the Master Bedroom, thinking I'd go from the top down.

And there, my friends, was where the similarity to our typical winter prep ended.

If Superman had been in charge of insulating the windows, he would have picked a day, started applying the insulation to the windows, and been done with the entire house in two hours.

Me?  In two hours, I got exactly one room done.  One!  Why?  Because when I went into the bedroom to do our window, I had to move the bed (I'm not as tall as Superman).  When I moved the bed, I saw the fur from the cats who sleep under the bed, so I had to vacuum.  When I vacuumed under the bed, I saw the fur at the bottom of the curtains (from the same cats) that are normally behind the bed, so I had to clean the curtains that are behind the bed.  Then I noticed that the blinds were dusty and I couldn't seal up the window without dusting them (right?).  I noticed that the wooden cornice was dusty, so, of course, I had to dust it, too.  Finally, the ceiling fan was a little dusty, so I dusted it.  I talked with a neighbor on the telephone (she didn't need to use my mixer after all).  In the end, I did get the plastic up on my window and only my window.

Oh, and while I was doing all of this, I made a loaf of banana bread.  (I'll give you the recipe is terrific.)

I have nine more windows, minimum, to do.  So, at this rate, and taking into account Thanksgiving, I should have the window insulation up in a little less than two weeks.

Two weeks vs. Superman's two hours.  Some things are better done by least my man.

1 comment:

  1. LOL - I hear ya on this one. By the way, thanks for the recommendation on the window insulation - were you here and I didn't know it. Just before you posted I had been talking to my husband about covering our windows. We never have in the past but with the weather they're predicting here this winter we think it may be a good decision. Good luck - hopefully you'll have it done before March :)


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