Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stranger things have happened...

Remember the Fox and the Hound?   They were "the best of friends", remember?

We have our own improbable pair with Lucy and Bean.   These two love to wrestle.

Bean throws herself down, then Lucy lays down, too.

Bean pushes Lucy.

Lucy grabs Bean.  And yet, neither one bothers to get up.

I think they're evenly matched.  I anticipate hours of amusement this winter...


  1. So very cute - can't you just watch them forever when they're like that? Our cat loves one of our dogs and can't stand the other - go figure!

  2. You are oh so right. It is going to be a very interesting winter. Everyone is going to be inside and the mischief is going to get bad. I am glad that Bean and Lucy are at least sociable. I am worried about Cajun's neurosis getting the best of everyone.


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