Friday, October 15, 2010

Fertilzer Friday - a cold wind comes...

Friday again?  Already?  Where does the time go?  This time of year, the time seems to speed up.  We're still working in the yard, but already looking ahead to the holidays.  The weatherman says we'll have freezing temperatures for a few nights beginning Saturday and I'm thrilled.  (Terrible, aren't I?)  

We harvested our final two zucchini today and those plants will soon be in the compost pile.  Valiant blew out our sprinklers yesterday and we've removed the dogs Lixit.  No more water outside.  Even though it is Fertilizer Friday, I'm not fertilizing anything!   Quite the contrary, in fact.   I've been pulling up my potted petunias and am bringing the geraniums and gerbera daisies in for the winter.  We're pruning trees and bushes and generally getting the yard ready for "bed".  We're almost there...some more pruning, burying some tulip bulbs and we're done.  Then, finally, we'll be ready to move indoors and I, for one, am ready!

In the meantime, Mother Nature gave us a little "fall color" show in our own backyard....

All the fall colors in one tree/bush...isn't it lovely?  I have been putting off pruning it because I think it is so pretty.  This week, however, this pretty little tree will get a much needed haircut and begin looking like a tree again.

Oh, and here is my "pumpkin tree" update.  It is really hanging from a tree.

Too funny, isn't it?

Our little pumpkin is now 5" in diameter.  With the weather changing this week, I don't suppose it will ripen, but it is just trying so hard that we're hard-pressed to interfere.

Our yard is pretty much done for this year, but it isn't that way in other places.  In places like Southern California, they're finally relaxing a bit as the heat abates and the blooms start to emerge again.  The stress from trying to keep things alive during oppressive temperatures gives way to enjoyment of balmy temperatures and cooler mornings.  When I lived there, fall would bring fresh blooms on my Peter Pans (Lily of the Nile/Agapanthis) and the anticipation of my Amaryllis blooming in time to paint my yard red for Christmas.  My Night Blooming Jasmine would be keeping the yard fragrant and my Impatiens would be happily enjoying the cooler weather.  My Bird of Paradise would be flaunting their feathers and it would feel like gardening season had just begun.  Different climates, different plants. 

Head over to Tootsie's place to take the weekly garden tour.  It is always inspiring and sometimes humbling!  (Did you see those topiaries she featured last week?  They were amazing!)


  1. We're doing the same here - getting ready for bed! I have to say, I'm right there with you and ready to close up for the winter!

  2. Cute little pumpkin. We have pulled up everything too. Oh well, next spring.

  3. well I can say I totally understand about the time speeding away from is just nuts here too! thanks for linking in today girl

  4. Your little pumpkin is just too much! Hardy little thing ☺
    I'll be putting to bed in a couple weeks, usually after Halloween...that's when the city will pick up your piles ;) Easier than cutting everything to fit in the toter! Yeh, I'm lazy!

    Your caramel popcorn in your most recent post sounds YUMMY! hmm, I don't care for caramel popcorn either, guess I need to give this a try.

    Enjoy your weekend!


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