Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Does Anyone Want Any Patterns?

I have some sewing patterns that we never ended up using and now I know we won't because a) we're not doing dolls or b) Buttercup outgrew the size of the patterns. 

So, do you want any patterns?  I'll send these patterns to you.  Just let me know.  In the event that more than one person wants the same pattern, I'll have the kids draw a name from a hat.  Got it? 

Two patterns for 18" dolls (American Girl dolls).  Aren't they cute?  (Look at the little Chanel-type jacket...too cute.)

Two patterns for Baby Dolls (S-M-L) ranging in size from 12" to 22" (or 30.5 cm to 56 cm).  These are Simplicity Archive patterns that were intending to use for my baby doll...I just loved these, but we never got to them. 

One pattern for a girl's Halloween costume...Simplicity #5372 - size A (2-4,6-8, 10-12). 

Finally, a pattern for Alphabet Pillows...again, a crafty thing we were going to do, but we never did.

All of these are unused and I'll ship them to you at my expense.  I'd just like to see them get used.  So, just let me know if you'd like any of these...


  1. Hi again, Erin-- I'd love the patterns for alphabet pillows! The only trick though is that I live in Singapore, which might make shipping a little bit more expensive... (how generous of you though!) Would you be open to a swap? You could have a look at what you might like from my blog (cards, bookmarks, stickers), or I could put together a little something and send it off? :] -Kelly from Paper Exploits

  2. Cute! Wishing Boo wasn't disgusted by dolls!

  3. Ack...can't believe I can't even give away patterns...Goodwill here we come. (Kelly, yours are already on the way.)

  4. If you still have them, I'd love the American Girl patterns.

  5. I haven't donated them to charity yet, so you caught them. Send me an email with your contact information and I'll get them to you. (Oh, and I'm so glad you want them!)


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