Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shoot Me - Fire Pit Fun - 28 of 52

We love to go camping.  Seriously love it.  Unfortunately, with all that went on in the Nagle5 world this summer, we found it impossible to go camping even one time.  It was terrible.  Fortunately, the cool nights have made using our fire pit fun again.  (Sitting around a fire when you're sweaty just isn't fun, you know?)

Last week, I got the opportunity to keep my pinky-promise to Buttercup and we did s'mores.  (I don't get s'mores...I love cooking marshmallows over the fire, but I don't like eating them.  Do you see my problem?)

Valiant (aka the Lord of the Fire!) started the fire...he doesn't like s'mores, either.  Can you tell how thrilled he was?

Buttercup, however, was thrilled!  Can you tell?

Even Charming showed up and enjoyed being with us (even if he hates having his picture taken!).  (He brought homemade pumpkin pie...wasn't that cool?)

The great thing about having a fire pit in our own backyard?  I can show up in my slippers!


Look!  We did scary Halloween lighting by turning off the flash.  It is getting us in the mood for October.

Head over to Carin's at Forever in Blue Jeans to see what everyone else has been up to this first week of autumn.


  1. Firepits are fun - we have one too and with the kids gone and/or so busy we didn't use it much this year.... Maybe this fall -- it is always cold here on Halloween maybe we will start a fire!

  2. Love smores!! Looks like a good time was had by all ♥♥

  3. Looks like a fun evening. Wishing we had a fire pit but fear the little one is just too little right now. All in good time.

  4. I love sittin around our firepit too and I LOVE S'mores!!! Think I'll have Dh start us a fire tonight :)

  5. There is nothing like a campfire in your own backyard! I just purchased some jumbo marshmallows for us to have a cook over a campfire this weekend. Love your slippers!

  6. Oh FUN!!! I love smores.

    It was way to windy the last time we were at the lake to make smores.

  7. We used to go camping when our son was young, and the best part was always sitting around the campfire at night. We had a firepit at our old house in Massachusetts, but never used it, because summers there are hot and humid. Hmmm....husband wants one now, he keeps mentioning it. I'm not sure we'll use it any more here in western WA either.

    Looks like you had a good time with the kids. That's a nice picture of you in the darkness.


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