Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Clearance" is my favorite price!

This time of year, our local (and, I assume, your local) Home Depot starts to clear out a lot of the plants they brought in for spring and early summer gardeners.  I always try to pick up a few perennials as well as some screaming deals on annual color to help me get through the end of summer, into fall. (Maybe I'll even get some seeds out of these, but don't tell Home Depot as I've noticed more and more plants say "propagation forbidden".)  

Yesterday I made my annual plant run and came up with these:

$3.50 a planter!  (I bought two.)   I'll trim up some of the dead leaves, fertilize them and keep them watered and have some beautiful hanging planters til the end of September. 

These were $1.50 each. (3 plants to a planter - I bought 3.)

These were only $0.75 each (!):

Begonias (I bought 2) -

Gerbera Daisies (I bought 2) -

Dianthus (I bought 4 - they're perennials.)-

These mums were $1.50 each - I bought 3.

I'll get them into the ground tonight...I'm so excited.


  1. I LOVE clearance, too!

  2. Way to go!!!! I love those racks at the Home Depot.

  3. Your post spurred me into going to Home Depot, where I found two variegated Jacob's ladder and two Burning Hearts bleeding hearts on the clearance rack for $2.50 each.


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