Thursday, July 15, 2010

Shoot Me - River Edition (23 of 52)

Sunday marked the occasion of my dad's birthday.  I loaded up the kids, a cooler, and headed out to his new place to help in celebrate.  (Wasn't that nice of me?  With Superman overseas and Charming on his own, we're not so much of a descending hoard of locusts these days.  Now we're more like annoying can't really avoid us, but you don't run for cover, either.)

Anyway, Grandpa John and Nana's new house is on the river.  Unfortunately, the path to the river is a) in disrepair and b) down a steep incline.  That means the kids love it and the adults often take a pass.  It was hot on Sunday, though, so I headed down to join the kids.  It wasn't easy.   Seriously.  I descended the last 8 feet on my butt.  Once there, however, it was bliss.

See?  Here I am.

Did I mention I wasn't dressed for swimming?  No?  Well, I didn't let that stop me.

As you can see, the kids were having a blast.

What can I say?  A day at the lake brings out the goofy in everyone.

Man, I love these kids.

Our neighbors were there, too...Buddy seemed to be having a good time.

In the end, so did Grandpa John and that is what it was all about, right.

The end of a long, fun day.

Head over to Carin's at Forever in Blue Jeans and join Shoot Me.  Get yourself in the picture (as you can see, it doesn't have to be many of them!) 


  1. Gorgeous pictures! Sounds like a wonderful time accept the last feet traveling on your butt! Yikes...glad there was a happy ending!

  2. Looks like everyone had a good time. Fun shots.

  3. What a great outing and cooling off in the beautiful lake water is always wonderful!

  4. Have you ever been skinny dipping?? I have (once) several years ago and it was very liberating.
    I was at a creek with my sister.
    The water looked refreshing and everyone having a fun time.


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