Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Plenty of Time!

I saw this quick craft from Jess at How About Orange and decided it was right up my alley.  She calls them "mid-century clock faces", but to me they were more George Jetson.  Regardless, I thought they were super cute.

Just one little problem:  I'm not a drinker and I don't ever seem to have bottle caps.  While the past few months have made me long for a few good Long Island Iced Teas, even those wouldn't have helped in my quest for bottle caps.   Fortunately, in addition to the two bottle caps I could scrounge up, I also had some flat disc magnets that weren't the cutest, so I included them, too.

For the bottle caps, I used a hot glue gun and attached magnets to the inside of each cap.

I painted everything white.

Then I used the template that How About Orange so kindly provided and I used a 1" circle punch and cut out all the little clock faces I wanted to use.

A little Modge Podge attached the clock faces to the magnets and a coat of Modge Podge finished them off.

Aren't they cute?
Quick, easy, and virtually free.  You've got to love anything that fits in all those categories! 

Don't want to make clocks?  What about pictures?  Buttercup would definitely love squirrels, hamsters, kittens, etc.  Flowers would be pretty, too.   Oooh, or a monogram of the first letter of your last name?  or an inspirational word?   Hmmm...I might be making a few more!


  1. When I looked at the third picture, I thought the project was going to use the bottle caps to make a (much larger) clock -- that you'd need 12 of them to complete a project that was, itself, a clock.




  2. Wow, Erin!! Those are super cute!!!!!!

  3. These are totally awesome - yours came out great!


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